RESIDENCE - Your name, mobile number, and address details with postcode, in some cases your landline may be required for security, if you don't have landline, a small deposit of £50-£100 may be asked occasionally, specially for bookings in a location that is far away, or if your booking is out of hours.
HOTEL - Your full name, mobile number, hotel name, room number and address with postcode.
OFFICE / WORK PLACE - Your full name, business name and address details with postcode.
I handle all personal details without exception discreetly, securely and confidentially. They are never shared with third parties.
I will not contact you after a booking unless I'm asked to do so.
May you wish to meet me in a public place, for dinner dates and social meetings, outdoors or for travel companion where exchange of monies aren’t discreet my fee must be paid by bank transfer in advance before the meeting takes place.
For your benefit, please read these terms carefully. By booking a HIMEROS Massage, you fully understand, agree and accept to abide, by HIMEROS Terms as stated below:
1. Be over the age of 18.
2. Remember hygiene - Be 100 % clean. Wash all areas thoroughly including your intimate areas shortly prior to my arrival.
3. Be free from the influence of intoxicants.
3. Have the correct fee ready on my or your arrival.
4. Payments by bank transfer must be requested by the client in advance.
5. The prices are for one client alone at a time only! Not for 2 or more, except the Four Hands Massage and couple massage where the price is respective to the enjoyment of a couple.
6. Keep passive during your massage.
7. Respect boundaries of your massage all times.
8. Increase the room temperature to 26 degrees (28 degrees for Nuru) to allow a comfortable temperature for your massage.
9. Make sure there is enough space for the massage couch or massage mattress that I will bring with me. I should have at least 1 metre all around to be able to perform your massage effectively.
10. Holistic massages such as Swedish, deep tissue and sports massage must be performed from my massage couch.
11. Tantric Massages can be performed either from the massage couch or mattress.
12. Body-to-body massages are strictly performed from a mattress.
13. Allow me to shower prior to leaving. Please inform me before in case in case on-site showering facilities are not available.
14. Cancellations within 48 hours of your confirmed booking time will incur a fee of £200
15. Cancellations within 24 hours of your confirmed booking will incur the full massage fee as confirmed upon booking.
HIMEROS Massage has the right at all times to refuse service to anyone whose intent and behaviour do not appear to agree with its policies.
Any behaviour breaching these agreed Terms will result in an immediate and permanent ban from my services. The above apply equally and unconditionally to all clients.